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CNC-Fräsen von Aluminium: Wie unsere präzise gefertigte Produkte entstehen.

CNC Milling: Precision in Manufacturing

CNC milling allows you to produce components from aluminum and many other materials. It provides maximum precision for all kinds of shapes and even mass production. This is why we use the CNC milli...

Smart-Home-Zentrale Tablet

Install your tablet or iPad as a smart home control panel: use the advantages of a central and mobile control

If you own an Apple iPad or a Samsung Galaxy Tab you already have everything you need to implement your tablet or iPad as a smart home control panel. An intelligent automation system makes it easie...

Digitale Sanierung – Smarte Lösungen für alle Bereiche

Building digitalization – Smart solutions for all sector

The aim of digitalization in the building industry is to modernize homes and facilities through smart technologies. Specific refurbishment measures do not only facilitate all movements and operatio...

Tablet dauerhaft am Strom lassen: So nutzen Sie Ihr Tablet durchgängig in einer Wandhalterung

Keep your tablet permanently connected to the power supply: How to use your tablet continuously in a wall mount

Whether for smart home control or as a control center in the office: our clever tablet wall mounts offer many advantages in modern living and working environments. To ensure that your wall tablet i...

So finden Sie die perfekte Tablet Wandhalterung

The Right Way to Find the Perfect iPad Wall Mount

Looking for the perfect mount for your tablet? Read this guide to learn how to find the right wall mount for your home or business. Think of a mount type If you are looking for a secure and practic...

Companion Wall and Dame Wall

Comparison: Companion Wall vs. Dame Wall

Elegant, modern and unobtrusive tablet wall mounts save space while being an attractive addition to your business and home. As a solution for their smart home control or as a practical wall mount w...